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Day 12 - Olive Punivai

Hi Church,

Welcome to Day 12. Today, I'll be sharing a devotion from Mark chapter 9. There's a boy with a mute spirit and his father brings him to the disciples to cast out the spirit, but the disciples couldn't. So, Jesus, a little bit frustrated with the disciple says, bring the boy to me. And so here we pick up the story from verse 21 to 24. It says this;

"How long has this been happening?" Jesus asked the boy's father. He replied, "Since he was a little boy, the spirit often throws him into the fire or into water trying to kill him. Have mercy on us and help us if you can."" What do you mean, if I can?" Jesus asked, "anything is possible if a person believes." The father instantly cried out, "I do believe but helped me overcome my unbelief."

And as you keep reading, we see Jesus cast out the spirit and the boy's healed, which is incredible. But today, church, I want to stir your faith to believe for the miracle, signs and wonders of God. You know, let’s not just read about what God did back then but let's believe that God can, and He will, do it again. You know, Jesus says, anything is possible if a person believes. You know, Matthew's account of the same story, Jesus says to His disciples, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can tell this mountain to move from here to there, and it will be moved." Nothing would be impossible. You know, what miracle are you believing God for? What mountain are you facing that needs to move? You know, I love the Father in the story because he says, "I believe". There was a willingness to believe that Jesus could come through for him, but he even recognizes that, man, if there's an ounce of doubt, if there's an ounce of unbelief, God, would you help me overcome it.

And so leading into the Revival Nights, as we prepare our hearts, I want to encourage you, let's address any doubts or unbelief that God can come through. Let's stand on what the Word of God says. Let’s stand on the truth of who our God is, that He is sovereign, that He is above all things. Stir your faith, lift your expectation that God can do miracles, signs and wonders and that He will do the impossible. Amen.

If you haven't already registered for Revival Nights, it's not too late to do so.

We'll see there, be blessed church.

Ps Olive

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