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Day 4 - Ps Amber Laidler

Hi Church,

I have the absolute privilege today of sharing a little devotion in our 14 Days of Devotion leading up to our amazing revival nights. I'm going to be sharing from 2 Corinthians chapter 3, verse 18;

“And we who we've unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, of being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.”

This passage is referring to Moses when he would go up to the mountaintop, where he would go into the Tent of Meeting and he would be in the Lord's presence. And when he returned from those places, his face was so radiant from being in the presence of God that he would need to wear a veil, because it was just too much for the people around him. And it's saying, we've unveiled faces, we're living on the other side of the cross, Jesus dealt with sin. And so we have that incredible, incredible privilege to be able to come into God's presence on our own, we don't have to have someone go on our behalf and we can reflect God's glory, in everyday life without a veil, we don't have to cover it up. And to me, devotion to God is about getting into His presence. And that's a way that we can then reflect His glory to those around us. And I don't know about you, but I want to reflect God's goodness and glory to the lost and the broken around me, I want to reflect that to my family. And we all need God's goodness and glory. But there's really one thing that stuck out to me in this passage, one word, it says, and we who, with unveiled faces, that all reflect the Lord's glory. And there’s a little footnote on reflect, and it says, or contemplate, and we who, with unveiled faces, all contemplate the Lord's glory.

In my personal devotional time, sometimes I get into this kind of habit of just habitually thanking God for all that he has done and thanking God for the goodness that I can see in my life. And that's a great thing. I don't want to diminish that at all. But I've really been challenged to just sit in my time with God and contemplate His glory, contemplate His Majesty. Contemplate the things that are really hard to understand, the things that I can't see about him. I love walking out in nature and I see God's glory in a waterfall or being on a mountaintop, that's really easy, but they're still just created things. They're not actually the fullness of God's glory.

And so I really want to encourage you today to find a space to just stop and lay those habitual things aside, don't just go straight to thanking God for what he's done and the things that you have but really stop and contemplate His glory, because that's what we reflect to those around us.

Have an incredible, incredible day.

Ps Amber

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