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Day 6 - Ps Miriam

Miriam from iSEE Pine Rivers here, praying for you in the lead up to our Revival Nights and just know that God has something so powerful in store for us. So, position yourself, come with expectation and get ready for God to move.

You know, early this week I was reflecting on a time in my childhood where I had a big treehouse in my backyard and this treehouse became my safe place. It became the place that I'd retreat to, when I needed some quiet, when I needed peace, when I needed to rest and I needed to get away from stuff that was happening. And it kind of reminded me of Psalm 91. In Psalm 91 says this;

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty, I will say to the Lord that He is my refuge, my fortress, my God in whom I trust. If you say The Lord is my refuge, and you make the most high your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come in your tent.”

You know, the word dwelling refers to a place that we call home. It's a place that we can abide in. To dwell is to live and to remain in that place. You know, this dwelling place with God isn't meant to be exclusive. This place is for everyone who desires to be with God there. The Scripture tells us, when we dwell in this secret place, that we can find peace in the midst of the storm, refuge from opposition, trust beyond human understanding or knowledge, guidance and hope from Jesus. You know, when we dwell in this secret place with God, we have to make an intentional choice to meet God there, we have to make an intentional choice to linger in that place longer. We have to make an intentional choice to shut out the distractions of the world and simply come to spend time with God.

You know, this week, maybe that means that you pray on your way to work in the car, while you're picking the kids up from school that you put some worship music on in your car. Maybe it means setting your alarm half an hour early to go for that prayer walk. Maybe it means turning off Netflix, or TV, just to spend time reading your Bible, listening to God, worshiping Him and getting a word for your season. You know, I found that it's always in the times that I've intentionally set time aside for God, where I linger in his presence. It's when I experience His presence is strongest. You know, do you need a word of direction from God? Can I encourage you to dwell in the secret place? Are you feeling weary? Are you feeling burdened? Dwell in the secret place to allow God to refresh? Do you need hope? Dwell in that secret place and draw on his strength. Do you need breakthrough in your life? Dwell in that secret place. Church, His presence is available to you today. He longs to dwell in that secret place with you. He's ready. He's waiting. And my prayer is that you would meet with Him this week.

Ps Miriam.

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